HOMESCHOOL SKI is a program coordinated by home educating parents.
Our children have been part of this program for over 10 years and we enjoy volunteering to provide this program to the next home educated generations.
We have been working with Mt Spokane for over 10 YEARS providing our homeschool community with discounted ski & snowboard packages .
HOMESCHOOLSKI.NET is managed by The Affinity Partners with digital efficiency.
We hope you find fun and joy through our community !
HomeSchoolSki coordinates lift tickets, rentals, and lessons through
a group discount program from Mt Spokane Ski Park! ​​
We offer limited ticket options.
We begin checking in as early as 8:15 and tickets must be picked up by 12noon or they are forfeited.
Please note the lesson time and plan accordingly to be checking in 1.5 hour before lesson time...
HSSKI Day is 9am - 8:45pm day & night skiing
(night skiing dependent upon snowpack)​
We are excited and thankful Mt. Spokane is providing
our homeschool community this special opportunity at such a great discounted cost!